Celine Elie-Caille |
Maitre de conférence |
- Depuis 2006 : Maître de conférences, Section CNU 87, Université de Franche-Comté, Besançon (25). Activités de recherche à l’institut FEMTO-ST, Département MicroNanoSciences et Systèmes (MN2S)
- Sept 2004 à Sept 2006 : Stage Post-doctoral, BIOTEC institute, Dresde (Allemagne), sous la direction du Pr. Daniel J. Müller
- Oct 2003 à Sept 2004 : Attaché Temporaire à l’Enseignement et à la Recherche (ATER), Université de Technologie de Compiègne (60).
- Sept 2000 à Oct 2003 : Thèse en Ingénierie enzymatique et biochimique, Laboratoire de Génie Enzymatique et Cellulaire, UMR CNRS 6022, Université de Technologie de Compiègne (60), sous la direction du Pr Christian Bourdillon
- Licence 3 Biochimie et Biologie Cellulaire et Physiologie (BBCP)/ unité Protéines fonctionnelles : j’y aborde les méthodes biophysiques d’analyse de la structure 3D de protéines (Cours magistraux, Travaux Dirigés)
- Master 1 Biochimie et Biologie Cellulaire et Moléculaire (BBCM) / Unité Biomembranes : j’y aborde les méthodes de reconstitution de protéines membranaires en bicouche lipidique supportée (Cours magistraux, Travaux Dirigés et Travaux pratiques)
- Master 2 Relation hote greffon (RHG) / Unité de Nanobiotechnologie : j’y présente les nanobiotechnologies et les outils d’investigation du vivant à l’échelle nanométrique (Cours magistraux, Travaux Dirigés)
- ISIFC1 : Biochimie (Cours magistraux, Travaux Dirigés et Travaux pratiques) : responsable de l’unité
- ISIFC2 : Bioingénierie (Cours magistraux, Travaux Dirigés et Travaux pratiques) : j’y aborde les techniques de purification et caractérisation de protéines
- ISIFC3 : Nanobiotechnologie (cours commun aux M2 RHG) et NanoBioMicrosystèmes (j’y aborde les systèmes d’étude à l’échelle nano de modèles biologiques)
- Guy Leclercq, Ioanna Laıos, Celine Elie-Caille, Denis Leiber, Guy Laurent, Eric Lesniewska, Zahra Tanfin. ERa dimerization: a key factor for the weak estrogenic activity of an ERa modulator unable to compete with estradiol in binding assays. JOURNAL OF RECEPTORS AND SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION, 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10799893.2016.1203940
- Houmed Adabo A, Zeggari R, Mohamed Saïd N, Bazzi R, Elie-Caille C, Marquette C, Martini M, Tillement O, Perriat P, Chaix C, Boireau W, Roux S. Enhanced chemiluminescence-based detection on gold substrate after electrografting of diazonium precursor-coated gold nanoparticles. J Colloid Interface Sci. 2016 Apr 1;467:271-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jcis.2016.01.030. Epub 2016 Jan 15. PMID:26803605
- Lacour V, Elie-Caille C, Leblois T, Dubowski JJ. Regeneration of a thiolated and antibody functionalized GaAs (001) surface using wet chemical processes. Biointerphases. 2016 Mar 2;11(2):019302. doi: 10.1116/1.4942878. PMID: 26934871
- E N Aybeke 1, Y Lacroute 1, C Elie-Caille 2, A Bouhelier 1, E Bourillot 1 and E Lesniewska 1. Homogeneous large-scale crystalline nanoparticle-covered substrate with high SERS performance. Nanotechnology, 26 (24), Published: JUN 19 2015
- M Ewald1,2, L Tetard3,4, C Elie-Caille5, L Nicod6, A Passian4, E Bourillot1 and E Lesniewska1. From surface to intracellular non-invasive nanoscale study of living cells impairments. Nanotechnology 25 (2014) 295101 (8pp)
- Alex Bienaime, Therese Leblois, Nicolas Gremaud, Maxime-Jean Chaudon, Marven El Osta, Delphine Pecqueur, Patrick Ducoroy, Celine Elie-Caille Influence of the thiolates chemical layer on the GaAs (100) biofunctionalization: an original approach coupling AFM and mass spectrometry methods. Materials special issue “Functional Materials and Proteins for Bio-Sensing Applications”.
- Adabo, Ali Houmed; Zeggari, Rabah; Said, Nasser Mohamed; .Enhanced chemiluminescence-based detection on gold substrate after electrografting of diazonium precursor-coated gold nanoparticles . JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE Volume: 467 Pages: 271-279 Published: APR 1 2016
- Lacour, Vivien; Elie-Caille, Celine; Leblois, Therese; et al. Regeneration of a thiolated and antibody functionalized GaAs (001) surface using wet chemical processes. Biointerphases Volume: 11 Issue: 2 Pages: 019302 Published: 2016 Mar 02
- E N Aybeke, Y Lacroute, C Elie-Caille, A Bouhelier, E Bourillot and E Lesniewska (2015). Homogeneous large-scale crystalline nanoparticle-covered substrate with high SERS performance. Nanotechnology, 26(24),245302
- M Ewald, L Tetard, C Elie-Caille, L Nicod, A Passian, E Bourillot and E Lesniewska (2014). From surface to intracellular non-invasive nanoscale study of living cells impairments. Nanotechnology 25, 295101 (8pp)
- Alex Bienaime, Therese Leblois, Nicolas Gremaud, Maxime-Jean Chaudon, Marven El Osta, Delphine Pecqueur, Patrick Ducoroy, Celine Elie-Caille (2013). Influence of the thiolates chemical layer on the GaAs (100) biofunctionalization: an original approach coupling AFM and mass spectrometry methods. Materials, 6(11), 4946-4966, special issue “Functional Materials and Proteins for Bio-Sensing Applications”.
- Reconstitution of a protein monolayer on thiolates functionalized GaAs surface (2012). International Journal of Nanoscience. Vol. 11, No. 4, 1240018 (5 pages)
- A step further towards glyphosate-induced epidermal cell death: involvement of mitochondrial and oxidative mechanisms, ETAP, 34(2),144-153.
- Celine Heu, Alexandre Berquand, Celine Elie-Caille, Laurence Nicod (2012). Glyphosate-induced stiffening of HaCaT keratinocytes, a PeakForce tapping study on living cells. Journal of structural biology, 178(1), 1-7.
- Micro structuration of GaAs surface by wet etching : towards a specific surface behavior. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Vol. 12, 6855-6863.
- Design and microfabrication of a lateral excited GaAs biosensor. EPJAP, Applied physics, 57(2), DOI: 10.1051/epjap/2011110111
- Khan-Malek C-G., Bernal M-P., Vairac P., Boireau W., Elie-Caille C., and Khelif A (2012). Selected examples in nano-sciences & -technologies at FEMTO-ST. International Journal of Nanotechnology (IJNT), , pp.887 - 899.
- A de Rougemont, N Ruvoen-Clouet, B. Simon, M. Estienney, C. Elie-Caille, S. Aho, P. Pothier, J. Le Pendu, W. Boireau, G. Belliot (2011). Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the binding of GII.4 norovirus variants onto human blood group antigens. Journal of Virology, 85(9), 4057-4070.
- Atomic force spectroscopy and label-free sensing for the characterization of protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions : application to estrogen receptors. J Mol Recogn, 24(3), 429-435.
- Morphological damages of a glyphosate-treated human keratinocyte cell line revealed by a micro- to nano-scale microscopic investigation. Cell Biology and Toxicology 26(4), 331-9.
- A Erler, S Wegmann, C Elie-Caille, M Maresca, R Seidel, T Heine, DJ Muller, AF Stewart (2009). Conformational adaptability of RedB during DNA annealing and implications for its structural relationship with Rad52. Journal of Molecular Biology, 391(3), 586-98.
- Elie-Caille C., Rauch J-Y., Rouleau A., Boireau W (2009). Preparation of flat gold terraces for protein chip developments. Micro & Nano Letters, 4(2), 88-94.
- Gold/Silica biochips : applications to surface plasmon resonance and fluorescence quenching. Laser Physics, 19, 252-258.
- Berthier A., Elie-Caille C., Lesniewska E., Delage-Mourroux R., Boireau W. (2008). Nanobioengineering and characterization of a novel estrogen receptor biosensor. Sensors, 8, 4413-4428.
- Elie-Caille C, Severin F, Helenius J, Howard J, Muller DJ, Hyman AA (2007). Straight GDP-Tubulin Protofilaments Form in the Presence of Taxol. Current Biology, 17 (20), 1765-1770.
- Elie-Caille C, Fliniaux O., Pantigny J., Maziere JC, Bourdillon C. (2005) Self-assembly of solid-supported membranes using a triggered fusion of phospholipid-enriched proteoliposomes prepared from the inner mitochondrial membrane. Langmuir, 21 (10), 4661-4668.
- Fliniaux O., Elie-Caille C., Pantigny J., Bourdillon C. (2005) Production of microporous aluminum oxide electrodes as supports for tethered lipid bilayers of large surface area Electrochemistry Communications, 7, 697–702.
- Proux-Delrouyre V., Elie C., Laval J-M., Moiroux J., Bourdillon C. (2002) Formation of Tethered and Streptavidin-Supported Lipid Bilayers on a Microporous Electrode for the Reconstitution of Membranes of Large Surface Area. Langmuir, 18, 3263-3272.
Conférences invitées
- Workshop on Liquid Biopsy, Strasbourg, 2 mai 2016 : “On-chip partitionning, detection and nanometrology of cell derived extracellular vesicles: differential analysis between resting and activated platelet microparticles.”
- Imaginenano, Bilbao (Espagne) (Avril 2013), « Combining multiplexed SPRi and AFM approaches for the detection and qualification of circulating blood microparticle sub-populations.”
- Cross Border Conference on Nanosciences and Materials for Health, Nancy,(Juin 2010). .”NanoBioengineering and multiscale characterization of molecular and cellular chips”
- Nanobiotechnology International Workshop, EC Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italie (Dec 2009), “Technological innovation around protein and cell biochip for diagnosis: a translational research from nanoworld to patient”
- Workshop « Tissue repair », Besançon, (Oct 2009), “Atomic force microscopy as a new tool for micro to nanoscale imaging of alive adherent or circulating cells”
- XIVe Rencontre Clinico-Biologique d’Immuno-Allergologie. Allergologie moléculaire et nanobiologie, Marne-la-vallée (Mai 2009) « Nanobiologie: la révolution diagnostique »
27 communications on national and international conferences.